If you start simple, you’ll gradually want to experiment more. This recipe provides you with beneficial probiotics. Eventually they will win you over!
Water kefir, a classic ferment to make at home

Fermentation is a simple process that you can do at home. You just need some common kitchen utensils and a lot of desire to experiment.

Thanks to the fermentation of food, probiotics are obtained, living microorganisms that enrich and balance the intestinal flora, enhancing our health.

To get into this world, you can start with water kefir. A true classic. Once you’ve mastered it, you’ll definitely be encouraged to keep trying.


This recipe is ideal to take on an empty stomach:

You need to get some granules, which are sold or given away. Through the blog nutriendo-jl.blogspot.com.es I got mine.


  • 1 litre filtered water
  • 40 grams of sugar
  • 4 tablespoons kefir granules
  • Half a lemon
  • 20 grams of raisins


  1. Mix the sugar with the water.
  2. Add the kefir granules, lemon, and raisins (or other nuts like dates or figs).
  3. Cover with a cloth and leave to ferment for 48 hours (less or more depending on how strong you like).
  4. Strain it, add the lemon, without squeezing (I love the flavor it gives, but you cannot use it), and to the fridge. The fridge is essential for it to ferment more and generate that effervescence typical of carbonated drinks.


You have to open the bottle from time to time so that too much carbon dioxide does not accumulate; If too much time passes, it could come out under full pressure.

Once strained, you can add fruit or an infusion to the kefir and leave it for another 24 hours.


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