Rice is one of the most appreciated ingredients of Mediterranean cuisine. One of its advantages is that it lends itself to very different preparations, all tasty and healthy.
Delicious rice's easy and vegetarian rice recipes to enjoy
  • Vegetarian band rice recipe
  • Vegetarian baked rice recipe
  • Vegetarian black recipe
  • Recipe for Cuban vegetarian rice
  • Vegetarian sautéed rice recipe

Rice is one of the star dishes in any meal. This cereal, naturally gluten-free, stands out for being very versatile, since it offers us multiple possibilities in the kitchen: we can prepare rice in recipes with salty or sweet, and always with results that are delicious.

It is an essential ingredient in the kitchen combined with almost everything so the possibilities to prepare recipes are endless. It looks good with vegetables, seaweed, legumes, spices, sauces and aiolis, and you can get complete and nutritious dishes that young and old like.


In this we are going to show you several recipes with rice and in each one we recommend a specific type of rice. There are many varieties of rice to choose from, and they are distinguished by the shape of the grain – rounder or elongated – the color – from white to wholemeal, red or black – and the aroma – as in basmati, Thai or jasmine rice. If it is integral and organically grown, it also retains all its fiber-rich bran shell and does not contain residues of pesticides or other substances used in its cultivation.

  • Integral. By preserving the entire shell, it is very rich in fiber, proteins and minerals.
  • Bomb. The classic paella, is low in starch and is grown in the Ebro delta and the lagoon of Valencia.
  • Basmati. It seduces with its perfumed aroma, an ideal complement in many dishes.
  • Thai. Its long grain and nutty flavor gives a touch of Thai cuisine.
  • Wild. Although it is not a rice, it stands out for its proteins.


With all these varieties you can make countless typical recipes of world cuisines, such as traditional paella, Italian risotto, Japanese sushi, jasmine rice or Thai from Thailand, the typical Chinese rice dish three delights, or Indian pilaf. And we cannot forget sweet recipes, such as vegetable rice pudding, rice with fruits or rice pudding.

To ensure a good result it is important to follow the cooking times indicated for each variety, from the integral that needs more time or the basmati that cooks faster. You can also have it soaked before cooking.

You can integrate rice into your weekly menus and enjoy easy-to-prepare dishes that are delicious. I hope you like these rice recipes and enjoy them!


For 4 people (Time: 1 hour 30 minutes)


For the broth:

  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 3 celery strands
  • 2 potatoes
  • 150 g salted wakame seaweed
  • 100 g salted sea spaghetti seaweed
  • 1 l of water

For rice:

  • 1 leek
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 ripe tomatoes
  • 160 g bahia rice
  • 1 tbsp. sweet paprika
  • A pinch of saffron
  • Salt to taste and extra virgin olive oil


  1. We will start by making our vegetable broth. To do this we will wash and peel the vegetables, cut them and add them in a pot next to the water and bring to a boil. Desalinate the algae, chop them and add them to the pot, where we will let them boil for at least one hour; It is very important that the pot remains covered during cooking.
  2. Peel and grate the tomatoes. Chop the leek and fry it together with the garlic cloves and plenty of oil in a paella of about 25 to 30cm in diameter. Once it has taken color, add the grated tomato and let it reduce.
  3. We will incorporate the paprika powder and rice; We will stir and add 750ml of our homemade broth, previously filtered by a Chinese or strainer. Add the natural saffron and correct salt.
  4. Let cook over medium heat for 15 minutes or until the broth has reduced and is at the height of the rice. At this time, we will go down to the minimum and let finish cooking for about 7 or 10 minutes. We will cover with a cloth or cloth to rest and serve.


For 4 people (Time: 1 hour)


  • 400 g bomba rice
  • 800 ml of seasonal vegetable broth.
  • 1 red onion
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 thick potato
  • 1 carrot
  • 300 g cooked chickpeas
  • 1 head garlic
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt


  1. First, we will peel and slice the potato and carrot, and the onion in the form of crescents. One of the tomatoes we will wash and chop, and the other we will reserve.
  2. In a frying pan we will sauté the chopped tomato, along with a good splash of extra virgin olive oil. Then add the onion and potato, and lower the heat so that it is poached over low heat. Finally, we will add the carrot, turmeric powder, salt and cooked chickpeas.
  3. Add the rice and stir everything well. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 250°C and heat the broth in a pot.
  4. Transfer all the ingredients to an oven-safe casserole; Add the vegetable broth and very hot and decorate with the whole garlic head and a few tomato slices on top.
  5. Bake for about 18-20 minutes. Once the cooking is finished, we will cover the casserole with a cloth, and let it rest at least 5 minutes before taking to the table and consuming.

A trick if you want to give a touch of baked rice even more traditional is to add a few slices of “black pudding” vegetable azukis; We turn them over and over before the pan and add them together with the garlic and tomato.


For 4 people (Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes)


  • 400 g black rice
  • 1 liter vegetable broth
  • 70 g salted wakame seaweed
  • 100 g salted sea spaghetti seaweed
  • Some salted Irish moss seaweed
  • 2 artichokes
  • 200 g portobello mushrooms
  • 1 young or green coconut
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 tomato
  • Sunflower sprouts
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt

For vegan aioli:

  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 150 ml cold soy milk
  • 250 g precooked peas
  • 450 ml extra virgin olive oil and salt


  1. Peel the artichokes and cut them into thin slices, just like the portobello mushrooms. Chop the garlic cloves and tomato. With all this we will make a good sauce that we will let reduce to medium heat.
  2. Desalinate and chop the wakame seaweed and sea spaghetti and add them to the sauce.
  3. Add the black rice or venere without prior washing, stirring well and add the vegetable broth. Let it cook for about 50 minutes over medium/low heat. Halfway through cooking, add the Irish moss, add the coconut meat cut into strips and leave it until all the broth is absorbed.
  4. In a glass of blender, we will add the chopped garlic, the cooked peas, the cold soy milk, the olive oil and a pinch of salt, in this order. The ingredients are emulsified at high speed, with hardly moving the blades from the bottom of the glass. In a few seconds we will have a fluid aioli.
  5. We will crown the rice already rested with some buttons of aioli on top and some sprouts of sunflower seeds.


For 4 people (Time: 35 minutes)


  • 400 g parboiled rice
  • 800 ml water
  • 400 ml natural tomato sauce
  • 3 ripe tomatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 8 organic quail eggs
  • Extra virgin olive oil and salt
  • A pinch of pepper
  • A pinch of dill


  1. We will cook the parboiled rice for 20 minutes in a pot with its lid.
  2. To make the sauce we will start by cutting or chopping the vegetables separately. In a deep bottom skillet, we will poach the onion and once it begins to be translucent, add the chopped red pepper and the carrot and sauté nine.
  3. Add the natural tomato and once partially evaporated, incorporate the tomato sauce with the spices. We will continue cooking for a couple of minutes more, stop the heat and crush lightly with a minipimer.
  4. Once the rice is cooked, turn off the heat and leave it covered in the same pot.
  5. We will fry the organic quail eggs with a little olive oil and plate to taste, with the rice base and the delicious dill tomato sauce. Finally, we will put the fried eggs.
  6. A variation to surprise our guests is to incorporate fried plantain to our plating. In a frying pan add a little olive oil, heat over medium heat and fry the bananas. This option will provide an extra creaminess that when mixed with tomato sauce and rice, will not leave anyone indifferent.


For 4 people (Time: 35 minutes)


  • 200 g brown basmati rice
  • 450 ml water
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 red bell pepper
  • 1 green pepper
  • 200 g peas
  • 1/2 leek
  • 250 g spiced bites from Heura
  • 1 tablespoon curry
  • 1/2 tbsp. pepper
  • Salt and olive oil
  • Extra virgin
  • Tamari
  • Chive


  1. We will boil the basmati rice for about 25 minutes, and once cooked we will strain it and pass through plenty of cold water, drain it and reserve it.
  2. We will cut the leek into thin strips, the peppers and the carrot into cubes, and we will sauté everything for a few minutes with plenty of extra virgin olive oil and salt. We will add the Heura and peas, a little curry and pepper.
  3. Once the Heura is golden, add the rice well drained and sauté a couple of minutes with the vegetables; The ideal would be to use a wok, but a good wide nonstick pan can also serve us.
  4. With the fire already off, give a blow of soy sauce or tamari and stir well. Then we serve it with a little chives or spring onion chopped very finely on top.
  5. To further flavor our rice stir-fry, we can add a few drops of toasted sesame oil.
  6. One option is to accompany this sautéed rice with a coconut sauce and curry very simple to make. You just have to sauté a finely chopped onion. Then we will add coconut milk and a tablespoon of curry powder or yellow curry paste, and let it reduce.


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