Drinking a fruit and vegetable juice every day is a good habit that helps take care of health. The vitamins they give you are medicine for your immune system, your heart, your liver…
5 juices to start the day taking care of your health

Juices made from fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins can help strengthen the immune system, liver, circulatory system, nervous system … All this contributes to maintaining good health. That’s why we suggest that you incorporate into your life the routine of drinking a vitamin juice every morning. Do you dare?

We give you 5 different recipes! They are drinks with all the concentrated vitamins of fruits and vegetables.


The liver acts as a great filter: it removes toxins from the blood so that they do not interfere with the functions of the heart, nervous system, digestive and circulatory. Its malfunction is associated with anger, nervous tension, depression, gallbladder and skin problems, menstrual disorders, premature menopause and candidiasis.

The best foods for the liver are those that generate fewer toxins, lighter to digest, and with few fats and sugars, such as vegetables and infusions with a bitter taste: chicory, endive, endive, celery, milk thistle, boldo…

Taking light juices like this and bitter infusions in the morning on an empty stomach is of great help for liver health, since early in the morning the body is in the elimination phase. Incorporating this simple habit will help the liver eliminate accumulated extras.

Ingredients for 1 person

  • 2 large carrots, washed and with the skin
  • 2 large celery stalks
  • 2 endives
  • 1 sour green apple, washed and with the skin

Preparation (5 minutes)

  1. Extract the juice from all ingredients, preferably with a slow juice extractor.
  2. Mix well with a teaspoon and consume instantly.


The liver acts as a great filter: it removes toxins from the blood so that they do not interfere with the functions of the heart, nervous system, digestive and circulatory. Its malfunction is associated with anger, nervous tension, depression, gallbladder and skin problems, menstrual disorders, premature menopause and candidiasis.

The best foods for the liver are those that generate fewer toxins, lighter to digest, and with few fats and sugars, such as vegetables and infusions with a bitter taste: chicory, endive, endive, celery, milk thistle, boldo…

Taking light juices like this and bitter infusions in the morning on an empty stomach is of great help for liver health, since early in the morning the body is in the elimination phase. Incorporating this simple habit will help the liver eliminate accumulated extras.

Ingredients for 1 person

  • 2 large carrots, washed and with the skin
  • 2 large celery stalks
  • 2 endives
  • 1 sour green apple, washed and with the skin

Preparation (5 minutes)

  1. Extract the juice from all ingredients, preferably with a slow juice extractor.
  2. Mix well with a teaspoon and consume instantly.


Fruits and vegetables with more antioxidants favor the elasticity of blood vessels and are the ones that most benefit the heart and cardiovascular system. Its antioxidants help counteract free radicals, reduce cholesterol and regulate blood pressure. Those of intense red color, such as hemoglobin and heart, are foods rich in these antioxidants, although they can also be blue or purple. Many of them have shapes reminiscent of this vital organ.

You can include in your diet:

  • Tomato
  • Red pepper
  • Açaí
  • Grenade
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • red and black plums
  • Currants
  • Strawberries
  • Red apple
  • Cherries

Other options are red or black grape juice, very antioxidant for its resveratrol. Thea jo and onion, added to green leafy juices along with lemon, also help in that regard.

Taking this juice or others with the aforementioned vegetables mid-morning or as an appetizer before eating, doing cardiovascular exercise daily – for example, walking brisk for at least 30 minutes – and practicing stress reduction techniques – such as yoga, tai chi or meditation – are ideal complements to enjoy an iron cardiovascular health.

Ingredients for 1 person

  • 2 red plums or 1 pomegranate shelled (depending on the season)
  • Half a cup raspberry
  • Half a cup of strawberries
  • Half a cup of currants


  1. Remove the juice from all ingredients, preferably with a slow juice extractor.
  2. Mix well with a teaspoon and consume at the moment to take advantage of all its properties.


The nervous system is responsible for numerous functions, from involuntary reactions to danger to proper digestion or stress management. If we do not take care of it, it can contribute to the suffering of diseases as common as hypertension or diabetes.

Some foods help nourish and calm the nervous system. These foods include those rich in omega-3s, green leafy vegetables and algae. Green leafy vegetables in general and those that are darker in particular – a sign of higher nutritional concentration – contribute to your health due to the high contribution of B vitamins, vitamin C and magnesium.

Vitamins C and E rejuvenate the nervous system and help fight free radicals. Magnesium acts as a nerve calmer.

Ingredients for 1 person

  • 1/4 cup dulse seaweed
  • 1 cup quality water
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 apple
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/4 sweet onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Half a cup of parsley
  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast


  1. Soak the dulse seaweed in the water for 8 to 12 hours. Reserve the water for the juice. The seaweed can be used in a salad.
  2. Extract the juice from all fresh ingredients, preferably with a slow extractor.
  3. Mix with teaspoon the reserved water and juices, add the yeast and drink at the moment.


There are food combinations so powerful that a small amount is enough to enjoy their effects. This is the case of this shot or “shot” without alcohol, which is prepared in a jiffy and fills you with energy almost instantly. If you also prepare it with a cold-press juice extractor, the flavor power is assured.

Lemon, a great alkalizer, helps fight infections thanks to its richness in vitamin C: with only 60 ml half of the daily needs are covered. It also provides flavonoids, antioxidant effect, and small doses of minerals. It is digestive, anti-inflammatory and protects mucous membranes, skin and eyesight.

Ginger contains gingerol and protease, which stimulate cardiovascular circulation. It is also a great digestive that increases saliva production and calms nausea and intestinal discomfort. It is considered anti-inflammatory, anticancer and depurative.

If you are tired or feeling thick, this shot will certainly revive you in a matter of minutes. It has an immediate stimulating effect.

Ingredients for 1 person

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 piece of ginger of 2 cm


  1. Extract the juice from the ingredients, preferably with a slow juice extractor.
  2. Mix well with a teaspoon and consume instantly.


If you don’t have a cold-press juice extractor, you always have the option of squeezing the lemon and using a garlic press to extract the juice from the ginger. It will take you a little longer, but not too long, because you do not need much quantity, and you can enjoy the juice anyway. Remember to peel the ginger before passing it through the presser.


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