Whether earlier or later, lighter or fuller, breakfast time can provide great pleasure and contribute to a nutritious and balanced daily diet.
5 Complete Healthy Breakfasts with Low Glycemic Load (Low Sugar)

Regardless of whether it is done sooner or later, something that depends on the needs and tastes of each one, the time of breakfast can be a gift that we make every day. A quiet time, without interruptions, to enjoy every bite. It is a way to honor the body and nourish it to start the day in the best way.


Industrial foods, such as pastries, biscuits or white breads of refined flour do not provide us with nutrients. I also don’t recommend cow’s dairy or plant-based drinks with added sugars.

If we start the day including foods that provide us with healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates with low glycemic load, we will most likely not need to snack on anything until lunchtime. In addition, we will enjoy great capacity for concentration. Although it is not very common, including vegetables has many advantages for its content in fiber, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.


Bread is found on virtually every breakfast table, but it is often not of good quality. It is advisable to choose whole meal breads, mother yeast and slow fermentation, as they are tastier, more nutritious and digestive.

Another option is sprouted bread or Essene, baked at low temperature. On the other hand, alternative carbohydrate sources can be used, such as root vegetables, oats or buckwheat.


For health, the important thing is what you end up eating throughout the day. Whether you eat breakfast more or less depends on how hungry you wake up or how much energy you will need in the next few hours. What is safe is to have breakfast slowly.


In addition to providing little sugar, these breakfasts are vegetarian.


For 4 people. Prep time: 40 min

  • 250 g quinoa (soak 8 hours before cooking)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 garlic
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 4 tablespoons oatmeal flakes
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • 1 tablespoon dried Provençal herb
  • 1 sprig cilantro
  • 4 tablespoons whole-wheat breadcrumbs
  • 1 tomato
  • 2 avocados
  • some lettuce leaves
  • 4 pita loaves
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • pepper
  • salt


  1. Wash fresh herbs and chop them.
  2. Remove the pulp from the avocados and crush it with a fork.
  3. Add the peeled and chopped onion, the washed tomato, seeded and diced, the squeezed lemon, a thread of oil, cilantro and salt. Stir so that the ingredients are well integrated.
  4. Cook the quinoa in salted water for as long as indicated on the package. Once cooked, drain and mix with oatmeal and grated carrot.
  5. Add the beaten egg, coconut flour, 1 teaspoon of Provencal herbs, parsley and chopped garlic. Salt and pepper, knead and form 4 burgers.
  6. Grill them with a few drops of oil, for two minutes on each side.
  7. Open the breads, fill them with the lettuce leaves, burgers and guacamole.

Advice: Remember that avocado pulp blackens quickly; To avoid this, water it with lemon juice. You can eat the hamburger accompanied by grilled endives and not take the bread.


Portions for 8 people. Prep time: 45 min


  • 75 g whole meal spelt flour
  • 30 g pure cocoa powder
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 6 organically produced egg whites
  • 150 g coconut sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Preheat oven to 180 °C.
  2. Place the flour with 15 g of cocoa and salt in a fine-mesh strainer, and sift the mixture over a large bowl.
  3. Lightly mount the egg whites, better with electric rods, until they begin to be foamy.
  4. Add the third part of the coconut sugar and beat until integrated.
  5. Add the remaining coconut sugar, little by little and beating continuously. A firm and shiny meringue must be obtained.
  6. Add the vanilla and the mixture of flour and cocoa, several times and mixing gently, with enveloping movements, so that the whites do not lose volume.
  7. Pour the dough into a rectangular mold lined with sulfurized paper.
  8. Bake 30 minutes. Prick the center of the cake with a toothpick and, if it comes out clean, take it out of the oven.
  9. Let it cool completely before unmolding, and sprinkle it with the remaining cocoa. You can serve it cut into small square portions.

Advice: You can add chopped nuts to the dough before pouring it into the pan to give it a crunchy touch and enrich it with nutrients.


For 12 muffins. Prep time: 40 min


  • 300 g grated raw zucchini
  • 150 g brown rice flour
  • 100 g coconut sugar
  • 2 organic eggs
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1/2 sachet of yeast
  • 1/2 teaspoon
  • vanilla powder
  • 60 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • Unrefined sea salt


  1. In a bowl, mix the eggs with the coconut sugar. Beat with a few bars until the preparation is lightly foamed.
  2. Add the chafado bananas, olive oil and vanilla. Beat until homogeneous and
  3. spongy.
  4. Once you have the dough, add the sifted rice flour, the yeast and a pinch of sea salt. Mix well to avoid lumps.
  5. Add the grated zucchini and integrate it into the dough with the help of a spatula.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. On a tray, distribute the individual silicone molds or use a muffin tray and put the paper layers that are in specialized stores.
  7. Distribute the dough in the molds up to three quarters of its capacity. Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until cooked inside. Check it with a toothpick. If when you click them, it comes out clean, they are ready.

Variant: You can easily turn it into a vegan recipe by substituting eggs for two tablespoons of ground flax and six tablespoons of water.
These muffins are a delicious way to introduce a vegetable to breakfast, as zucchini has a neutral flavor. It will provide fiber and a good dose of minerals.


For 4 people. Prep time: 40 min


  • 150 g certified gluten-free oatmeal
  • 1 organic egg
  • 150 g butter, ghee or coconut oil
  • 50 g brown sugar
  • 4 apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 30 g raw honey
  • 250 g blueberries
  • 1 pinch salt
  • Fresh herbs


  1. Sift the flour in a bowl and add the salt, 15 g of sugar, the egg, 300 ml of water and 15 g of melted ghee butter.
  2. Beat until you get a homogeneous dough and let it stand for 15 min. Spread a small pan with the ghee or coconut oil and pour a scoop of the dough. Hang it, turn it over and do it on the other side.
  3. Repeat the process until you finish with the dough and reserve the crepes.
  4. Peel and cut the apples into cubes. Water them with the lemon juice and fry them 5 minutes with a little filtered water.
  5. Add the rest of the sugar and honey, stir carefully and let them be done for at least 5 or 6 minutes, until they have caramelized.
  6. Let them temper and mount the mille-feuille on the plates alternating the pancakes with layers of caramelized apple.
  7. Finish by distributing the blueberries on top and decorating with some leaves of the fresh herbs washed and dried.
  8. Serve warm or cold, as you like.

Councils: You can make oatmeal at home, grinding a few tender oat flakes. You can also prepare this recipe with whole wheat rice flour. It is recommended that the ingredients are organic.


For 4 cups. Prep Time: 75 min


  • 3 ripe kiwis
  • 400 ml coconut milk (with high fat, about 20%)
  • 150 ml raw agave syrup
  • 250 g oat flakes
  • 80 g almonds
  • 80 g hazelnuts
  • 90 g pitted dates
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon powder
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon erythritol


  1. A day before, leave the coconut milk to rest in a wide-mouthed container in the fridge.
  2. For the granola, add the agave, coconut oil and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. Then, add the oats and cinnamon, in addition to the nuts previously chopped very small. Stir it constantly and slowly over medium heat to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.
  4. Spread the mixture on a vegetable paper and bake for 30 minutes at 160 °C, until most of the liquid content has evaporated. From time to time remove it to prevent it from sticking on pieces that are too large or burning. Above all, we are interested in obtaining a fine granola.
  5. When lightly toasted, remove the granola from the oven and let it cool to room temperature.
  6. Separate the fat that floats over the residual water from the coconut milk you have left in the fridge. Mix it with erythritol using rods. Leave the mixture in the freezer.
  7. To serve it, use cups where you will intersperse layers of granola, coconut cream and natural kiwi (or you can use other fruits, such as strawberry, mango, peach or grape). You can put dehydrated coconut sheets on top to decorate.


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