Some medicinal plants are authentic natural laxatives. With them we can prepare infusions to go to the bathroom on a regular basis and avoid constipation.
Saint's hand for constipation infusions that work
  • Natural laxatives: they are the hand of a saint but you have to watch
  • Mild natural laxatives
  • Mild laxative infusion
  • Strong natural laxatives
  • Strong laxative infusion
  • Laxative plants to relieve constipation

Constipation can be annoying and even painful in some cases, and be a symptom of a major disorder.

Immobility, convalescence, pregnancy, a diet low in fiber, accompanied by insufficient hydration, the effects of taking medications such as codeine, and some ailments such as anal fissure, hemorrhoids and liver disorders, along with episodes of stress and anxiety, may be at the root of the problem.

To improve intestinal transit, it is important to consume foods rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables and legumes); drink plenty of water to hydrate stool; Do physical exercise to promote intestinal mobility and try to go to the toilet whenever you feel the need.

Not treating constipation, especially if it is chronic or recurrent, can put your health at risk. Not evacuating when appropriate generates putrefactions in the intestine that can be harmful to the intestinal microbiota and mucous membranes. Not only that: fighting constipation helps you prevent future more or less serious digestive problems, such as the appearance of diverticula.

Therefore, reviewing our diet to improve intestinal transit and seek remedies against constipation becomes an undelayable imperative.

Nature offers us a wide range of plants with laxative effects that are a saint’s hand against constipation. They are effective natural laxatives that can be purchased in herbalists or even collected in the field, if you are familiar with botany. Some can even have an especially fast purgative effect, such as senna.


Laxative herbs can be a great support, but not all are equally effective or indicated in the same cases. As your trusted herbalist will tell you, when choosing a laxative plant to treat constipation there are remarkable differences between them. At the same time, taking laxatives periodically or systematically can present some problems that you should not lose sight of.

To treat mild constipation, you have mild natural herbal laxatives, with few side effects, but there are also plants with more powerful effects, which can be consumed more punctually.

If you suffer from chronic or habitual constipation, before deciding on an herbal treatment, consult your trusted doctor. And remember that taking light natural laxatives, with the first group of plants mentioned or others that will indicate you in the herbalist, can be done with a certain continuity, but maintaining rest periods of one or two weeks between the shots.

It is preferable to incorporate in the formulas plants that act as protectors of the digestive mucous membranes, such as licorice, mallow, lemon balm, chamomile or mint.

As for the most forceful solutions, they should only be applied in a timely manner, in periods of acute constipation and with the approval of a specialist.

Here we offer you two herbal formulas, one mild and a second stronger, which can be alternated, giving greater priority to the first.


Among the mildest laxative herbs, we find mallowmarshmallowchia and flax seedshibiscuslicoriceplantainblack psyllium or algae spirulina and agar.

They are medicinal plants with few side effects that can be used with some frequency as support, always remembering that the taking of these herbs must be accompanied by a diet rich in fiber and hydrated systematically.


This infusion combines seeds rich in mucilage such as chia and flax with plants that exert a mild laxative and purifying action. You need to acquire the same amount of each of the plants in the formula.


  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Zaragatona
  • Mallow
  • Dandelion
  • Mint
  • Star anise


  1. Mix the plants in equal parts (for example, 20 g of each plant), bringing them together well on a surface.
  2. Separate 5 g of the mixture per glass of water, boil it for 2 minutes and let it stand for 10 more minutes.
  3. Filter well and add lemon juice. The mint and star anise will give this infusion very good flavor.

How to take it: Three cups a day are taken, in two-week treatments with a third of rest. It accompanies with a habitual intake of foods rich in fiber and water in a generous way.


Among the strongest laxative plants, we have psyllumsenna leavesfrangulacascara sagrada or ispagula, which should be used only more punctually.

These plants have more drastic effects, described as purgative or cathartic. They work by stimulating the muscles of the intestine, peristalsis, causing its contraction and favoring the elimination of feces.

The frequent use of these plants, instead of improving the situation, can worsen it, because it usually causes intestinal dependence, that is, there comes a time when, without this help, you can no longer evacuate normally. As noted in the vademecum of plants, cathartic laxatives, including herbal laxatives, when used on a regular basis “are a perpetuating factor of constipation”, that is, constipation itself.

But, in addition, abusing these plants, even if they are natural laxatives, can also generate recurrent intestinal problems, such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, meteorism, flatulence, colic, etc. There are cases of imbalances in sodium and potassium levels, which can aggravate hypertension or hypotension, vitamin deficiencies and problems in nutrient absorption.

These cathartic herbs, on the other hand, should not be taken in pregnancy (in pregnancy you have other milder solutions to improve constipation). Nor in case of suffering from hemorrhoids, hepatic, renal or cardiac failure and in severe cases of diabetes.


This infusion includes some of the most effective purgative herbs and can be taken only more punctually, in consultation with the doctor. Again, you’ll need the same amount from each plant.


  • Ispagula
  • Senna leaves
  • Psyllum
  • Marshmallow
  • Plantain major
  • Fennel


  1. Mix the plants in equal parts (for example, 20 g of each plant), bringing them together well on a surface.
  2. Again, separate 5 grams of the mixture for each cup of water.
  3. Boil 3-4 minutes and let stand for 10 more.
  4. Filter and add agave syrup or lemon juice to improve the bitter taste of the formula.

How to take it: Up to 2 glasses a day are taken, after the main meals, but only very punctually, as directed by the doctor. Accompany a generous consumption of water.


Medicinal plants, with laxative and depurative effects, are a great help, being a valid alternative to drugs.

The use of laxative plants should be done in moderation, in discontinuous and brief treatments and with medical advice.


Chinese rhubarb in combination with digestive and carminative plants rebalances the functions of the digestive system, relieves stomach pain, cleanses the colon and facilitates the expulsion of feces, without causing pain.

  • Properties: Laxative, purgative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent.
  • How to take it: In decoction, together with mallow and licorice, two cups a day, in tincture or in capsules,


Herbalists prescribed until recently the cascara sagrada, which was withdrawn because of several episodes of toxicity due to improper use.

Instead, a nearby plant is recommended, the frangula, which relieves constipation caused by atony of the large intestine, but also by the appearance of spasms, the so-called spastic constipation.

It favors the increase of hydration of the feces and allows an evacuation without discomfort when the muscles of the colon are weakened.

  • Properties: Laxative, purgative, anti-inflating, healing.
  • How to take it: Powder, up to 2 g daily; in decoction, maceration, tincture, capsules or extract.


Patience is laxative at moderately high doses, while it is astringent at low doses. It is useful in mild and punctual constipations, relieving progressively.

  • Properties: Mild laxative, astringent at low doses, remineralizing, antianemic, antidiarrheal, hemostatic, expectorant.
  • How to take it: In decoction or infusion, two cups a day, in tincture or powder.


One legume, senna, is cholagogue and laxative, activating the contraction of the muscles of the large intestine. At high doses it is an effective purgative.

  • Properties: Laxative, purgative at high doses, cholagogue, digestive.
  • How to take it: In capsules, up to 4 a day; powders, infusion filters, syrup or granules.


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