You can make quick dinners without giving up that they are healthy and these recipes prove it. It only requires a little organization, some basic notions of nutrition and some pampering.
4 quick and healthy dinners (and all the keys to healthy dinner without complications)
  • Get organized to make quick and healthy dinners!
  • What to do for dinner if I want to have a healthy dinner?
  • Ideas for quick and healthy dinners for the evening
  • 4 quick, nutritious and delicious dinners

Dinner is perhaps the only space of family relationship around the table that allows the current routine. After a long day of activity, sitting at the table is a reward for body and spirit. But how easy it is that fatigue and lack of time make us end up improvising and having dinner anyway!

Many times, dinner is relegated to a mere procedure and options that should be exceptional, such as prepared dishes, pizzas at home or sandwiches, end up becoming routine.

Dinner should consist of a varied meal, with quality essential nutrients that balance the excesses and nutritional deficiencies of the day. In addition, dinner should be one of the most important moments of pleasure and satisfaction of the day.

In this article we will see what are the keys to make healthy dinners and enjoy them without complicating too much. We will give you some ideas to organize yourself better, some nutrition keys to make light and balanced dinners, food ideas that, in addition, will make your dinner help you rest better and, above all, ideas for quick and healthy dinners to prepare in your day to day and specific dinner recipes so you have where to start.


Dinner early, lightly passing through a fruit-based snack, an infusion or something light, is one of the fundamental requirements to dine at ease without overloading the body.

It is also to prepare with love what we are going to taste and have time later for relaxation: reading, conversation, music, a walk at dusk …

And it is that dining in a balanced and healthy way does not have to be the final stretch of the daily marathon. You can begin to make small changes in habits and organize yourself to have the right temporary space and be able to dine at ease and relaxed:

  • If you plan a little, preparing dinner will be a matter of a moment and sitting down to dinner a pleasure. The first objective is to plan the menus. You have to take into account what has been eaten at noon, especially if it has been done away from home and children at school.
  • It is not about following a rigid system of menus, but about creating a weekly scheme. Writing down your favorite, healthy and easy-to-prepare dishes and distributing them throughout the seven nights will help you to be clear about what you can have for dinner and avoid thinking every day about what is going to be served at the table.
  • Once the menus have been chosen, or at least with a previous idea, and the purchases made, the preparation begins. At this point the organization is fundamental. If you know what you are going to choose, you can prepare food for two or three days.


Dinners should include all food groups in a balanced way: especially cereals and vegetables, raw and cooked, quality vegetable proteins, healthy fats and vitamins and minerals. A little bit of everything without excesses.

It is necessary to avoid at night very heavy and loaded dinner, difficult to digest and above all we must avoid having dinner very late.

Dinner should not interfere with the night’s rest; Therefore, you should choose soft, slow energy foods that do not alter sugar levels while sleeping, easy to digest and simple in their preparation.

It is best to have an early dinner and do it with simple and easy-to-digest recipes.

All this translates into several keys:

  • Hearty dinners, excessively rich in meat proteins, saturated fats and very sweet desserts undermine health and hinder the night’s rest, as they are an overload for the body.
  • Cereals should be the base, but vegetables have to be very present because they are rich in mineral salts and antioxidances, have few calories and are well digested.
  • Nuts, in moderation, and seeds will complete the contribution of proteins and healthy fats.
  • Desserts should not exceed dairy or sweet. Light fruit compotes are ideal and facilitate rest.
  • It is important to chew properly and savor food conscientiously. Don’t let the rush and accumulated tensions stop you from doing so!


Consuming one of these food groups or essential preparations or combining a couple of them, you get a dinner as healthy and appetizing as complete and do not carry too much complication.

  • VEGETABLE CREAM. They are relaxing and calming. They can be made with one or several vegetables, depending on taste. They are made by boiling the vegetables and crushing them with the cooking liquid and olive oil, raw. If the weather is hot, cold soups refresh and soothe.
  • WINES. They are prepared in a few minutes: with vegetables, pasta, miso… With seaweed (kombu or wakame) they are also a great source of minerals.
  • SALADS. Lettuce has a sedative effect, so salads are very suitable to consume at night. The dressings must be soft and can be complemented with seeds, nuts, cheese, vegetables, cereals, legumes, tofu …
  • PASTA. They provide carbohydrates of slow absorption and are digestive, as long as they are not loaded with excess fat. Fresh pasta represents the best option: it is nutritious, tasty and easily preserved in the fridge.
  • COOKED FRUITS. In general, it is advisable to consume the fruit raw, but at night a gentle cooking is recommended. Boiled apples, pears, bananas or peaches are more digestive.
  • INFUSIONS. Infusions of fennel, anise, cumin, marialuisa, linden or chamomile, along with other relaxing infusions, are excellent for the stomach, and also help to fall asleep.

There are some tasty and light foods that also help you fall asleep, so they are especially indicated to consume at the end of the day. It is also a good idea when thinking or looking for dinner recipes to take them into account and include some of them:

  • LETTUCE. Lettuce has a sedative effect, is rich in vitamins, minerals (especially magnesium), fiber and is very easy to digest. It is the basis for different salads and can also be added in stir-fries and vegetable stews.
  • BEETROOT. Indicated in states of weakness and chronic fatigue. It contains calcium and magnesium, minerals that in balance favor rest.
  • ARTICHOKES. They are beneficial for the liver and gallbladder, favoring good digestion. Rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin B3, whose deficiency can cause insomnia.
  • OAT. It is considered a natural reinforcer and also acts as a regulator of the nervous system. It also stabilizes blood sugar and lowers cholesterol. It provides fiber, copper, magnesium and iron.
  • PUMPKIN. It regulates blood sugar levels thanks to its abundant fiber. It is satiating and contains calcium and magnesium in good proportion. Its seeds, ideal for salads or sautéed, also have omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
  • AVOCADO. It is rich in essential fatty acids, copper and vitamins of group B. It favors brain functions and sleep regulation.
  • MUSHROOMS. They have a relaxing effect thanks to their B vitamins, especially B5, which is considered the anti-stress vitamin and whose lack causes fatigue.
  • VEGETABLE MILKS. They provide minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and do not overload the body.
  • YOGURT AND KEFIR. They are a better choice than milk. They activate the defenses and enrich the intestinal flora.
  • APPLE. It promotes digestion, contains fiber, regulates sugar levels, provides calcium and magnesium and vitamin C. While it is preferable to consume the raw apple to preserve its vitamins, boiled water calms the stomach and produces a more relaxing effect.
  • PLANTAIN. It has traditionally been associated with cures against insomnia. As long as it is not heavy, it is a good dessert alternative.
  • WALNUTS AND ALMONDS. Walnuts are the nut with the best ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, in addition to containing tryptophan. Almonds contain quality protein, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, calcium, copper and magnesium. But keep in mind that nuts can be indigestible and are very caloric, so it is advisable to consume them in moderation.




  • 1 package dumpling paste
  • 1 leek
  • 1 onion
  • 1 zucchini
  • 30 g peeled peanuts
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs and one for painting
  • 1 tablespoon curry dessert
  • 1 apple
  • 1 cooked beet
  • sage
  • 150 g Burgos cheese

For the carrot sauce

  • 2 carrots
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 tablespoon curry
  • 2 tablespoons oil and salt


  1. Chop the leeks and onions and sauté in a little oil, add the diced zucchini and the apple. Add the chopped beetroot. Sprinkle with chopped peanuts and a little curry. Chop the sage and mix it with the previous preparation, remove from heat and mix with cheese.
  2. Place some filling in the center of each wafer of dumpling paste and paint the edge with egg. Pick up the edges upwards and press for them to be sealed.
  3. Boil the carrots with the water; Once boiled crush with oil and curry and set aside.
  4. Bake at 180 ºC 15 minutes and serve with a little carrot sauce.


Instead of carrot sauce, it can be accompanied with soy sauce mixed with a little ginger and garlic.


  • Protein: 14 g
  • Carbohydrates: 17 g
  • Fat: 16 g
  • Cholesterol: 193 mg
  • Calories: 273.



  • 3 eggs
  • 200 g grated carrots
  • 200 g grated zucchini
  • 1 bunch chives
  • 2 endives
  • 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 yogurts
  • 150 g cottage cheese
  • pepper and salt

For the base paste

  • 150 g flour
  • 1/2 glass of cold water
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil and salt

PREPARATION (30′ + 1 H. REST + COOKING: 15′ + 20):

  1. First place the flour in a large bowl and form a hole in the center. Arrange the water, oil, seeds and salt in it. Mix the ingredients by bringing the flour to the center with your fingertips until the ingredients are integrated.
  2. Once mixed, form a ball and knead hard. Cover with plastic wrap and let stand for at least an hour. You can prepare the dough in advance and store it in the fridge; At the time of use you must leave it out for a long time so that it tempers.
  3. To make the cake, spread the ball with the help of a rolling pin, grease a low mold with oil and place the dough adjusting it to the bottom and edges. Cover with a disc of vegetable paper, put dried beans on top and bake, with the oven preheated to 200 ºC, for about 20 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. To do this, grate the carrots and zucchini, cut the chive stalks into three parts and the endive into thin strips. Mix all the vegetables with the grated ginger, salt and pepper lightly, sprinkle with the grated skin of the lemon and drizzle with a little of its juice.
  5. On the other hand, beat the cottage cheese with yogurt and eggs, salt and pepper and reserve for later.
  6. Take the base out of the oven, remove the beans and paper and fill with the vegetables. Top with the mixture of cottage cheese and eggs and bake at 200 ºC for about 25 minutes.


Adding peeled green pistachios to this recipe gives it a point of flavor and color.

The base can be made in advance, baked and left well covered in a cool and dry place, but not in the fridge.


  • Protein: 14 g
  • Carbohydrates: 33
  • Fat: 11 g
  • Cholesterol: 16 mg
  • Calories: 284



  • 200 g short-grain white rice
  • 2 eggs
  • salt
  • 50 g grated Parmesan
  • 15 g sesame seeds
  • breadcrumbs
  • 2 tablespoons tomato sauce, thick
  • 1 roasted eggplant
  • 12 black olives
  • dried basil
  • 50 g chopped toasted almonds


  1. Boil the rice with boiling water and salt over high heat for about 15 minutes. Once cooked, drain and rinse with water. Place it in a bowl and mix with beaten eggs, grated Parmesan cheese and sesame.
  2. In another bowl mix the roasted eggplant, well drained and chopped, with the chopped black olives, dried basil, a tablespoon of chopped toasted almonds and a little tomato sauce.
  3. To form the balls, spread your hands with oil, take a handful of rice and shape it concave; Put in the center a teaspoon of filling and close forming a ball. So, until you finish the rice and the filling.
  4. It can be left prepared in advance and at dinner time go through breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil or bake lightly. It is served with salad.


This recipe can be prepared with leftover boiled white rice.

In addition, different fillings can be made with: hard-boiled egg, pine nuts, tofu …


  • Protein: 13 g
  • Carbohydrates: 16 g
  • Fat: 18 g
  • Cholesterol: 169 mg
  • Calories: 273.



  • 400 g pumpkin, clean
  • 300 g green bean perona
  • 20 g green pumpkin seeds
  • 20 g sunflower seeds
  • 100 g sweet corn
  • 20 ml olive oil
  • chopped fresh parsley
  • salt


  1. To begin with, cut the pumpkin into cubes and the beans, well cleaned, transversely into small diamonds.
  2. Then prepare a pot on the fire with water and salt. When it boils pour the pumpkin and remove from the water in about 3 minutes. In this same water boil the bean for about 8 minutes. After this time, drain and cool.
  3. In a wok pan, pour a little oil and start by sautéing the pumpkin. After about five minutes add the beans and a little tender corn.
  4. Finally add the previously toasted pumpkin seeds and sprinkle the preparation with a little chopped fresh parsley on top.


This dish can also be made with other vegetables, such as zucchini and carrot, or with sweet potatoes when it is in season.


  • Protein: 5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 19 g
  • Fat: 7 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Calories: 763


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