Coffee is one of the most popular drinks and there are many different types, depending on the origin of the grain, the roast. the method of preparation or what you combine it with. Which is your favorite?
Types of coffee in Spain: what are they and what are the differences?
Aerial view of various coffee
  • Types of coffee in Spain according to how it is served
  • Types of coffee depending on the method of elaboration
  • Types of coffee depending on the origin of the bean
  • Types of coffee depending on roasting

Coffee is one of the drinks that has more followers and the truth is that the latest studies indicate that its moderate consumption is good for health: it could improve type 2 diabetes, help protect against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s or reduce the risk of asthma, among other benefits.

It can be taken in many different ways, depending on the grain used, the degree of roasting, the way of preparation or the combinations you make. We review the most common types of coffee.


There are many ways to serve coffee. Some of the most popular coffee drinks in Spain are:

  • Coffee with milk: As the name suggests, it is coffee mixed with milk. You can use any type of vegetable drink to make a vegan latte.
  • Cut coffee: made with espresso equals and milk or hot vegetable drink.
  • Cappuccino: is an espresso with milk and a layer of milk foam on top. It is often garnished with cocoa or cinnamon. If you want a vegan cappuccino, use a vegetable drink and vegetable cream for whipping up.
  • American coffee: it is an espresso to which hot water is added to dilute it and obtain a longer and softer coffee.
  • Spotted coffee or Macchiato: similar to cut, but in this case the espresso is only “stained” with vegetable drink or sparkling milk.
  • Mocha: an espresso with chocolate and milk or vegetable drink.
  • Ristretto: is an even more concentrated espresso, made with less water, which results in a stronger flavor.


Coffee can be prepared in different ways, which give rise to a more or less intense type of coffee:

  • Espresso: A concentrated coffee that is prepared by passing hot water through finely ground coffee beans.
  • Drip or filtered coffee: It is made by pouring hot water over ground coffee through a filter (paper or metal), allowing the water to drip in. The coffee you get is less concentrated than espresso.
  • French press: In this case, the ground coffee is soaked in hot water and then pressed with a metal filter plunger or mesh to separate the ground coffee from the liquid.
  • Cold Brew: This is made by steeping ground coffee beans in cold water for a long period of time (usually between 12 to 24 hours).


In Spain you can find different types of coffee beans from different areas of the world, but the most common are Arabica and Robusta (which have several subvarieties):

  • Arabica (Coffea arabica): The most popular type of coffee bean, it is known for its milder and more aromatic flavor.
  • Robusta (Coffea canephora): It is cheaper, stronger and more bitter than Arabica and has a higher caffeine content.

Other much less common types of coffee are the Libérica (Coffea liberica), with a more woody or spicy flavor and highly appreciated for its unique flavor; the Excelsa (Coffea excelsa), with a sour, fruity and spicy flavor and usually used in coffee blends in areas of Southeast Asia.

You can also find blends of different types of coffee beans that producers create to obtain a unique flavor and aroma profile. Many people opt for decaffeinated coffee (the one in which most of the caffeine has been removed) so that it is not so exciting.

In any case, it is better to opt for organic coffee, since conventional coffee can be contaminated with pesticides. In addition, to better preserve its aroma, it is advisable to buy it in grain and grind only the amount you are going to use each time.


The degree of roasting of the coffee bean greatly affects the taste and aroma of the drink. There are different types of roasting:

  • Light roasting: Coffee beans have a light brown color, even sometimes close to green (like green coffee), and is preferred for milder coffee varieties. The taste and aroma of coffee is usually more acidic, soft and complex, with floral, fruity or tea-like notes. In addition, the less roasted the coffee is, the more it retains its antioxidants.
  • Medium roast: the beans have a slightly darker brown color and their flavor, aroma and acidity are more balanced.
  • Dark roast: the beans are dark brown, almost black, and have a stronger, smoky flavor with a slight sweet and sour aftertaste. It usually has less acidity and notes reminiscent of bitter or sweet and sour chocolate.

Keep in mind that, depending on how you are going to prepare the coffee, it is better to use one type of roast or another: for example, for coffee with a filter machine it is advisable to use beans with a medium or light roast; For espresso a dark roast is recommended.


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