Introducing some changes in the way you eat can help develop a more sensual look, create a new intimacy as a couple and enjoy more.
Sex cooking: how to cultivate sensuality on the plate
Sensual romantic couple preparing cookies together in the kitchen on Christmas Eve.

Sexuality does not have to be reserved for the night and bed, it can leave the bedroom and invade the entire house, including the kitchen.

Extending the sexual gaze to many situations in life means that tension is not concentrated exclusively on the sexual act, while enriching the love life.

The desire to eat and libido are two basic instincts and pleasure is one, wherever it comes from. The reverse path, from table to bed, has already been traveled, as evidenced by the presence in sexual dialogues of words such as eating, biting or sucking.

Those who are able to get excited by food, almost as if they were perfect bodies, live a broader sexuality. It is not enclosed in the genitals: it also lives in the skin, in the brain, in the stomach, in the spirit, in every cell of the body…

Appearance, touch, smell and taste make both a food and a person irresistible.


This might be the best kept secret. Much has been written about foods, plants and substances (each more exotic and far-fetched) of greater aphrodisiac power.

But this search on the outside can hide that the answer lies inside each one: in the eyes that see, the hands that touch, the tongues that taste… It is the person who knows how to find or not sensual qualities in food. Therefore, it is not true that there are no aphrodisiacs, all foods can be.

Because of misunderstood education or because of the social taboo that still weighs on sexuality, we dare not see food that way. For many it may be rude to see something sexual in bananas or figs. But we must recognize that authentic sensitivity does not limit itself because of prudish conventions that are, yes, a vulgarity.

It is enough to remember the explicit sexual scenes in sacred works of millenary cultures or in modern art. No one can say that they are the fruit of ordinariness, quite the opposite.


Eroticizing food can have dramatic consequences on the intimate life of the couple. Who knows how to enjoy all the sensations produced by food, surely obtains and provides exquisite pleasures in the physical encounter.

Do not forget that touch, taste and smell also participate in sex. Thus, food can nurture more intense and meaningful intimate relationships. It is not the same to bring sexual complicity to all places, including the table, then to lock it in the bedroom.

To open your mind to “sex cooking” you can start thinking about food with the same words that are used in romantic life (hot, appetizing, succulent, delicious, passionate, smooth, morbid, humid …), as well as make daring and imaginative comparisons.

Appreciating the peculiar shapes, tastes, smells and textures of women’s and men’s bodies, or recognizing the masculinity or femininity of food, can be a way to renew attraction.

Then it is worth creating dishes with erotic meaning for romantic dinners and finally take to bed a few foods to eat with your hands and as a couple.


The search for the aphrodisiac effect is the first sexual approach to food. Everywhere the substance that produced the prodigious effect has been sought.

In some cases, the illusion is justified: the zinc of oysters, for example, can guarantee their prestige, more among men than among women. Other foods contain nutrients that sharpen sensitivity to some degree and with that can intensify the sexual experience.

The brain is said to be the most potent aphrodisiac because it regulates the production of a large number of chemicals inside the body so that everything works as expected.

But in many cases the effect is not due to a chemical reaction but symbolic, and this does not mean that they are not authentic aphrodisiacs. On the contrary, exciting foods are those that stimulate the senses and the mind.

Foods are effective as aphrodisiacs if they are good as metaphors. A ripe peach is exciting because, if you know how to look at it, with its voluptuous shapes and the characteristic slit in the middle it looks like a perfect butt, ready to be bitten.

It is useful to master the erotic language of food. You have to let yourself be carried away by instinct, be willing to see the colors, recognize the shapes, taste the flavors …

From there, preparing dishes brimming with sensuality and checking their effect can be considered as a suggestive challenge. Surely there is no more opposite attitude to that behind fast food, uniformed, denatured, malnourished and unexciting.


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