Cucumber juice is healthy and makes a nice snack, especially in summer. Find out how you can make cucumber juice yourself and what its properties are.
Cucumber juice: healthy properties and how to do it with and without a blender
Green smoothie with cucumber

Cucumbers are easy to make into juice because they are about 95 percent water. You can get about a glass of cucumber juice from a medium-sized cucumber.

For homemade cucumber juice, you should use ordinary garden cucumbers. Spiced or pickled cucumbers are not suitable.

Most of the nutrients are just under the skin. That’s why you shouldn’t peel cucumbers before squeezing them.

However, chemical-synthetic pesticide residues can be found in cucumbers from conventional farming. Therefore, we recommend that you buy organic cucumbers and squeeze them without peeling.


If you have a blender, you can make cucumber juice yourself quickly and easily:


  1. Wash the cucumbers.
  2. Cut off the top and bottom.
  3. If you’re not using organic cucumbers, use a vegetable peeler to peel the cucumbers.
  4. Place the cucumber in the mouth of the blender and collect the cucumber juice.
  5. You can use the pulp to make gazpacho or a refreshing mask.

You can also make cucumber juice without a blender:


  1. Wash the cucumbers.
  2. Cut off the top and bottom.
  3. If you’re not using organic cucumbers, use a vegetable peeler to peel the cucumbers.
  4. Cut the cucumbers into pieces of about 3 centimeters and place them in a high container suitable for beating.
  5. Finely crush the cucumbers with your hand mixer or blender.
  6. Pass the pulp of the cucumber through a strainer lined with cotton cloth. Alternatively, you can use a bag of vegetable milk or a very fine mesh strainer.
  7. Push the cucumber puree through the strainer with a spoon or squeeze the cotton cloth to extract as much juice as possible.


You can drink your pure cucumber juice without any additional ingredients. If the pure taste is too mild for you, you can also combine the juice with other ingredients to make it tastier:

  • A pinch of salt removes the bitterness of cucumber juice and makes it more appetizing.
  • Cucumber juice becomes very tasty if you add a little pepper and fresh dill in addition to salt.
  • You can combine it with lemon juice and fresh mint.
  • If you like it a little sweeter, you can also sweeten the cucumber juice with a little sugar or, better, stevia or honey. However, we recommend that you use sweeteners in moderation.
  • Of course, you can also combine cucumber juice with other fruit juices: apple, orange or watermelon, for example.
  • You can squeeze some fresh ginger and add it.


  • As cucumbers are made up of up to 95% water, they provide very few calories: with around 12 kilocalories per 100 grams, cucumbers are among the lightest foods.
  • Especially in summer, freshly squeezed cucumber juice is a refreshing thirst quencher.
  • It is true that cucumbers contain some minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium in addition to vitamin C and some B vitamins. However, the amounts are small.
  • You would need to drink several glasses of cucumber juice a day to meet your nutritional needs, but a glass of cucumber juice can contribute to a balanced diet.
  • For natural medicine, cucumber is a diuretic, decongestant and contributes to the health of hair, nails and skin, thanks to the silicon contained in the skin.
  • Cucumber juice can lower blood pressure when consumed regularly, according to a study of 35 seniors.
  • Applied externally, cucumber juice has a soothing effect on mild sunburn.


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