Choosing a good bread and combining it with quality proteins, healthy fats and fresh vegetables, you get tasty and very complete snacks.
6 original, vegan and very healthy sandwiches

The sandwiches do not have to be unhealthy, if you choose the ingredients well and, above all, the type of bread can become a breakfast, lunch or dinner of the most complete.

Here we share six delicious vegan snack recipes.



  • Loaf bread
  • Rosemary and garlic oil
  • Grilled zucchini
  • Poached onion with a touch of Sherry vinegar
  • Rocket
  • Vegan cheese
  • Fresh figs

Its special touch is figs, which marry well with rosemary oil. It is prepared by mashing the rosemary with the garlic, working it with the oil and straining it. If no fresh figs are found, soaked dried figs, a good ripe pear, red grapes or even a little fig jam can also be used.



  • Soy bread
  • Tahini
  • Grilled garlic
  • Shiitake mushrooms with garlic
  • Trigueros in sheets
  • Basil

It combines the proteins of a cereal (wheat) with those of a legume (soy) and those of the sesame of the tahini, which also provides beneficial polyunsaturated fats. Shiitake mushrooms should not be cooked for more than 3 or 4 minutes. Raw wheat gives it an unusual flavor and basil is best to split by hand.



  • Spelt bread
  • Fine herb tofu
  • Apricot apricots
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Rocket

This original sandwich combines a legume (tofu) with one of the most nutritious cereals (spelt). In addition, it has apricots in thin and soaked strips, pipes and arugula that complete the set. If the bread is toasted with the pipes, the result will be even better.



  • Chapata bread
  • Aioli
  • Red onion
  • Sun-dried tomatoes in oil
  • Roasted peppers
  • Black olives
  • Vegan cheese

The bread of ciabatta or chapata (slipper in Italian), if well done, is a real delight. You can enjoy the healthiest of the garden, the fatty touch of aioli and olives, and the freshness of cheese. If the onion is strong, it can be left to macerate with a pinch of salt and even sugar. Then it is rinsed and dried.



  • Rye bread
  • Humus
  • Sautéed red peppers and onions
  • Sauerkraut

This nutritious German bread, made of rye flour or sprouted grains (Pumpernickel), complements its proteins with chickpea hummus and sesame sauce. The sautéing of peppers and onions makes it juicier and contrasts with the acidic and salty taste of sauerkraut, rich in digestive enzymes.



  • Seed bread
  • Vegan cheese spread (or kefir)
  • Sautéed dates with onion
  • Mint
  • Alfalfa or onion sprouts
  • Fresh fennel in slices
  • Raw artichokes in slices

In the market there are vegan cheeses that provide an acid and salty touch. This acidity will find a counterpoint in the sweetness of the onion with dates. Sprouts, peppermint and fennel contribute to making this a sandwich rich in digestive enzymes.


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