Adding ingredients with exotic flavors such as passion fruit or shiitakes or otherwise cooking the ingredients, such as onion confit, brings novelty to vegetarian pasta dishes.
4 original and easy vegetarian pasta recipes to succeed

If you fancy a vegetarian pasta dish you do not have to resort to the classic recipe. We offer you 4 alternatives of vegetable pasta recipes with original ingredients to achieve very tasty and original dishes. Let yourself be surprised by these combinations and triumph at the table!


Here are 4 vegetable recipes that, due to their ingredients, are especially tasty:

  • Spaghetti with shiitakes and trigueros

Umami, a Japanese word meaning tasty, refers to that different touch, related to the general taste we know of Chinese food and monosodium glutamate.

Shiitakes have it in abundance, combined with other nuances that give it a special flavor that leaves the door open to experimentation.

In general, they prefer low-acid flavors, rather sweet and mild, although it admits small bitter touches, such as red chicory, arugula or watercress. The spicy does not feel bad either, as long as it is in harmony.

Therefore, the recipe for spaghetti with shiitakes and trigueros that we show you below will be exotic and stimulating. Before preparing them, remember that to cook them, dry shiitakes should be soaked in warm water overnight, or at least 5 or 6 hours.

  • Seitan and passion fruit cannelloni

Passion fruit, which is usually consumed as fresh fruit or juice, or in any case in the form of syrup for desserts (for example, mixed with cream in cheesecakes) has many more possibilities. Acidic like lemon, it can be used as is to dress soups, fried foods, boiled vegetables, lentils and tofu; Incorporated into any vinaigrette provides the same acidity but with an incredible aroma and flavor that transform salads. In the cannelloni recipe that we show you, below in this article, it is totally unexpected and delicious.

  • Noodles with onion confit and goat cheese

Beyond its numerous therapeutic properties, onion is a vegetable full of culinary virtues. This makes it an indispensable ingredient, in a healthy kitchen, and a great ally of the cook.

It has texture and an intense aroma, which allows it to be used as food and as a condiment. So much so that the dehydrated onion is widely used by the food industry as a flavoring in the preparation of soups, sauces, etc.

Using it candied is the way to bring a touch of sophistication to the recipe that you will see later, as we have done in these noodles.

  • Penne rigatti with garlic broccoli

The last recipe that we propose in this article, penne rigatti with garlic broccoli, is an ideal pasta dish option for those who want to take it without seasoning it with caloric sauces. Its dressing, in addition to being tasty and much lighter than other traditional sauces, is based on combining two anticancer foods, olive oil and garlic.

Garlic is also one of the star ingredients of winter, as it helps strengthen our defenses, is a great cardiovascular protector and prevents the aging of our brain.

This recipe also includes broccoli, a very nutritious food that is also a great anticancer ally, with brewer’s yeast, a good substitute for cheese.


Ingredients (serves 4):

  • 8 passion fruit
  • 2 seitan tacos
  • 1 bunch chard, washed
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 8 sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 250 g Mahon vegan cheese, grated
  • virgin olive oil
  • black pepper and salt

Preparation (60′ + 45′ cooking):

  1. Cut almost all the stalks to the chard, leaving a piece. Cook 10 minutes, drain and chop. Apart sauté the onion and garlic 15 minutes. Add the Swiss chard and tomatoes, sauté 10 more minutes, let warm and add half of the cheese and eggs. Mix and reserve.
  2. Empty the passion fruit and remove the pulp to leave it more liquid.
  3. Cut the seitan into very thin slices, with a cold meat machine or a sharp knife. Mount on top of each other to form eight cannelloni. Fill with the chard and roll.
  4. Top with the rest of the cheese and gratin in the oven at 200 ºC. Season with passion fruit.

Nutritional information:

  • Calories: 510
  • Carbohydrates: 31 g
  • Protein: 44 g
  • Fat: 25 g
  • Cholesterol: 216 mg

A recipe by Luciano Villar


The following recipe, penne rigatti with garlic broccoli, is an ideal pasta dish option for those who want to take it without seasoning it with caloric sauces. Its dressing, in addition to being tasty and much lighter than other traditional sauces, is based on combining two anticancer foods, olive oil and garlic.

Garlic is also one of the star ingredients of winter, as it helps strengthen our defenses, is a great cardiovascular protector and prevents the aging of our brain.

This recipe also includes broccoli, a very nutritious food that is also a great anticancer ally, with brewer’s yeast, a good substitute for cheese.


A serving of this pasta dish gives us 657 calories, 63 g of carbohydrates, 24 g of protein and 34 g of fat. In order not to exceed these calories it is important not to exceed the amount of olive oil indicated in the recipe and respect the recommended ration of pasta (350 g for 4 people).

  • 350 g penne rigatti or thick macaroni
  • 300 g broccoli
  • 6 garlic cloves with skin
  • 80 g brewer’s yeast
  • 50 g sliced almonds, lightly toasted
  • 80 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon fleur de sel


Making this recipe is very simple and, however, the result is a very colorful and tasty dish. In addition, it is very versatile: it can be taken hot, but it also works very well as a cold dish.

  1. Cut the broccoli into small bottles and steam for 10 minutes.
  2. In another saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add the pasta and let it cook for 8 minutes (or as directed by the manufacturer). Drain the rigattoni well with a strainer.
  3. In a small skillet, fry the unpeeled garlic in the olive oil, until crispy.
  4. Serve the pasta with the broccoli and top the fried oil and garlic, sliced almonds and Parmesan cheese, and a few flakes of fleur de sal.

Note: Penne rigatti, being a type of cylindrical paste with stretch marks on the outside, retain sauces better than macaroni with a smooth texture. However, you can make this dish using any type of pasta you have at your fingertips, such as spaghetti or noodles. Simply, you should keep in mind that the cooking time will vary depending on the type of pasta you choose.

Recipe: Mercedes Blasco


Noodles with onion confit and goat cheese

Ingredients (serves 4):

  • 400 g fresh noodles
  • 2 red onions, half moons
  • 100 g fresh vegan goat cheese
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • a bay leaf
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • Some dill leaves to decorate
  • Extra virgin olive oil and salt

Preparation (12’+20′ cooking):

  1. Heat a splash of oil in a saucepan with a thick bottom and sauté the onion for a few minutes over medium heat. When it is transparent, add the sugar, lower the heat and cook another 10 minutes over low heat, adding a little broth or water if necessary, so that it does not burn. When caramelized, remove from heat and reserve covered.
  2. Meanwhile, cook the noodles in a pot with boiling water and bay leaf. When they are al dente, remove the bay leaf, drain and incorporate them into the saucepan with the onion.
  3. Stir everything carefully and serve the dishes with the crumbled cheese on top, black pepper and a few fresh dill leaves.

Nutritional information:

  • Calories: 409
  • Carbohydrates: 60 g
  • Protein: 16 g
  • Fat: 11 g
  • Cholesterol: 85 mg

A recipe by Santi Avalos


Ingredients (serves 4):

  • 400 g fresh spaghetti
  • 16 fresh shiitakes, washed
  • 8 wild asparagus, washed
  • 8 sun-dried tomatoes, cut into strips
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 80 g vegan Parmesan cheese, in flakes
  • 4 tablespoons virgin olive oil
  • 1 or 2 fresh basil leaves
  • black pepper and salt

Preparation (15′ + 15′ cooking):

  1. Cut the shiitakes into thick strips and discard the tails. With the potato peeler peel the wheat from the middle down. Cut the lower part with your hands and cut into four.
  2. Put the wheat and tomatoes in the pan with three tablespoons of water. Once evaporated, add four tablespoons of oil, shiitakes and garlic, and sauté for five minutes. Add the pasta to cook four minutes, drain it and incorporate it into the pan.
  3. Stir and serve seasoned with basil, parmesan and pepper.

Nutritional information:

  • Calories: 528
  • Carbohydrates: 69 g
  • Protein: 23 g
  • Fat: 19 g
  • Cholesterol: 91 mg.

A recipe by Luciano Villar


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