Fondue and cheesecake are also for vegans. You just need to prepare them with the right plant ingredients. The vegan fondue is healthier than the traditional one and the vegan cheesecake tastes like the original and is very easy to make.
Vegan cheesecake and cheesecake fondue recipes

When it starts to get cold outside, the desire for winter dishes grows. Hearty dishes, such as fondue, are very popular, but every time family or the circle of non-vegan friends invite you to an evening with cheese fondue you have to decline.

The good news is that vegan fondues exist and are also very rich and are made quickly. The vegan alternative is also healthier than the conventional version. This recipe eliminates the unpleasant feeling of satiety that almost always invades you after cheese fondue, so difficult to digest.


Ingredients (for 2 people):

  • 100 g white beans (cooked)
  • 60 g floury potatoes (cooked)
  • 60 g cashews
  • 150 ml soy milk
  • 1 tablespoon margarine (no partially hydrogenated fats)
  • 200 ml white wine (vegan)
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch (maizena)
  • 3 tablespoons yeast flakes
  • 3 garlic cloves, chopped into large pieces
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • nutmeg, pepper, curry, herbs (optional)


  1. Soak the cashews in some water for about an hour so that they soften.
  2. Sauté half of the garlic in a saucepan with margarine and add the cashews, potatoes and beans.
  3. Now deglaze everything with white wine and let it cook for about 10 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Mix the soy milk and turn everything into a puree.
  5. If the mixture is too liquid, add a little cornmeal; If it is too thick, add some water.
  6. Add the remaining garlic pieces and yeast flakes in an oven-resistant caiquelon (fondue casserole) and heat it on the fire.
  7. Season your vegan cheese fondue with salt and other spices.
  8. Serve hot and stir quickly with a piece of skewered bread.

Vegan cheese fondue is best enjoyed with bread, potatoes, and steamed vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, or carrots. Of course, you can also dip pickled vegetables in vegan cheese: sun-dried tomatoes, pickles or onions are perfect.

Suggestion for using leftovers: If you have fondue left over, you can use it for other vegan dishes, for example, a sauce for spaghetti or as a dressing for a gratin.


Creamy, fluffy and very tasty, no matter the time of day or season, a creamy cheesecake always works, either as a sweet dessert or as a snack. The best thing about vegan cheesecake is that it is light and you can quietly eat a couple of pieces.

You don’t need fancy ingredients for this delicious cake. The filling is mixed in a few steps and you don’t need tofu or cashews to make your cheesecake perfect.

Ingredients (for the base):

  • 200 g wholemeal and vegan Maria biscuits
  • 90 grams of margarine (without partially hydrogenated fats)
  • 1 pinch salt

Ingredients (for filling):

  • 800 ml soy yogurt
  • 150 g xylitol
  • 1 organic lemon
  • 2 packets of powder preparation to make flan
  • The scraped pulp of a vanilla pod

Tip: For a firmer filling, you can use 400 ml of yogurt and 400 g of vegan cream cheese instead of 800 ml of yogurt.


  • Crush the cookies in a processor. If you do not have this device, you can put them in a plastic bag and pass over a roller until they are completely crushed.
  • Heat the margarine in a water bath.
  • Mix the liquid margarine with the cookie crumbs and salt until it forms a dough.
  • Press the dough into a removable pan whose bottom you have covered with baking paper and grease the edge with a little vegan butter. This will make it easier to remove the cake later.
  • For the filling, grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice.
  • Now put all the ingredients for the filling, including the lemon juice and zest, in a pastry bowl and stir until smooth.
  • Spread the filling on the base with a spatula and smooth the top.
  • Bake 60 minutes at 160 ºC.
  • After an hour, turn off the oven, open it a little, and let the cake rise in it for another 45 minutes. Then let it cool to room temperature.

After this preparation you can consume the cake, but it will be better if you keep it in the fridge overnight, especially if it has been a little soft.


With these tips you will get your first vegan and creamy cheesecake to be perfect.

1. Remove the ingredients from the refrigerator filling about an hour before preparing them. If they are all at room temperature, they will mix better without air bubbles forming.

2. The authentic New York Cheesecake is baked in a bain-marie. It sounds complicated and it is. The detachable mold should be wrapped in aluminum foil, and then placed in a saucepan filled with water in the oven. It takes less time, but it is just as effective, to place a container of oven-resistant water just below the cake. The steam ensures that your vegan cheesecake is really moist.

3. A really good vegan cheesecake takes time. Not in preparation, but in cooling. After baking, leave it in the oven off for 45 minutes as directed. Then it should be cooled to room temperature for about 4 hours and then put in the fridge. It is best to leave it there overnight. The next day you can serve the vegan cheesecake with the perfect consistency.


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