The locust bean gum allows you to make jams and avoid having to add large amounts of sugar. In addition, you can make them cold and hot, and enjoy it at the moment.
How to make strawberry jam without sugar (with locust bean gum)

In summer you can enjoy an abundant harvest of berries and fruits that can be used for months thanks to the elaboration of homemade jams and jellies. To carry out these elaborations, large amounts of sugar are usually added, which makes them less healthy. With locust bean gum, which is obtained from carob, sugar can be significantly reduced.


Locust bean gum is used as a natural gelling agent and thanks to it you can create products such as healthy and low-calorie fruit jams. This powder is economical and can be found in organic supermarkets and online stores. It has the following advantages:

  • It is tasteless, gluten-free and vegan.
  • It contains 5% high quality vegetable protein.
  • It is low in calories and rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron.
  • It binds liquids with a capacity 5 times greater than corn starch.
  • It is an approved additive for organic products (E410).
  • It is suitable for processed foods for babies and toddlers.
  • Avoid the use of sweeteners.
  • It is ideal for jellies and jams (hot and cold version).
  • It can also be used for the quick preparation of jellies from fruit juices.


To make a jam or jelly with locust bean gum you need:


  • 250 g or 250 ml of strawberries (or any other washed and cleaned strawberry or berry fruit). Frozen fruit is also an alternative.
  • 2-3 level teaspoons of locust bean gum (twice the amount when cold mixed).
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sugar, if more is needed for very acidic fruits, you can also use honey, agave syrup or xylitol (optional).
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (optional).


  • Mixer
  • Pot
  • Glass jars with screw cap
  • Jam funnel (optional)

The specified amount of locust bean gum ensures a thick and spreadable consistency. Depending on the desired fruit and consistency, one or two teaspoons per 500 g of fruit may be sufficient.


The first four steps are identical for both making jam and making jelly:

  1. Wash the fruits and remove those that are bad. If you’re working with frozen fruit, defrost them.
  2. Puree the washed or thawed fruit (depending on the consistency, you can puree it with a blender or processor) along with the sweetener.
  3. Add the locust bean gum and mix the ingredients well.
  4. For a longer shelf life, add a little lemon juice and stir again.

Depending on whether you prefer a cold, vitamin-rich version or the hot-boiled version, the process varies.

Cold version

  1. For cold-brewed jams and jellies, mix the ingredients vigorously for at least three minutes. The fruit mass thickens in the next 10 minutes. If after the time you still have a little watery, depending on the fruit or the sugar alternative, you can help with one- or two more-level teaspoons of locust bean gum and repeat the mixing process.
  2. Pour the finished jam into clean jars and close them. This type of vitamin-rich fruit jams can be kept closed in the refrigerator for up to four weeks, depending on the sugar and acid content and whether the process has been carried out with maximum hygiene. Once opened, it should be consumed in a week or two.

Hot boiled version for jam or jelly:

  1. For the cooked version, place the crushed fruit in a pot and heat it. Simmer for another two to three minutes, stirring well.
  2. Immediately afterwards pour the hot mixture into clean, sterilized jars and seal it.
  3. To allow heat to remove germs from the lid, place the filled jars upside down on the lid for 10 minutes. Your fruit jam can now be kept unrefrigerated for about two months. Shelf life increases with the ratio of sugar and lemon juice.


It is better to fill several small jars of cold-mixed jam to ensure faster consumption.


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